
Monday, November 29, 2010

Wattpad. ♥

Okay, so I just noticed this, and thought it was pretty nifty (lol, since when do I ever say nifty?) Well, anyway, it was certainly blog-worthy! xDxD

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Featured in Girlfriend magazine! :D

Hey guys,

So I found out some really cool news today, that I was featured in Girlfriend magazine! If you'd like to see the article, here it is! (You might have to click on it to enlarge it). xDxD

Much love,
-- Emma. ♥♥

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Deacon was born?

Okay, so it seems that some people have taken a shine to 'Deacon' who is a character from The Not So Secret Life of Helena Callahan, and I figured that it might be interesting to give a Deacon-fun fact. xDxD

The idea of Deacon actually came to me whilst watching the video for Silverchair - Freak. For some unknown reason the lead singer spoke to me, and from this day forth I always picture Deacon looking like him, only with black, soulless eyes.

So there you have it, Deacon was born! =p


Much love,
-- Emma. ♥♥